The purpose of this page is to keep the Saint William community updated on the latest information regarding the School Interest Survey. Below are responses to a few frequently asked questions. We invite you to visit this page periodically for the latest updates. The Saint William community is invited to complete the survey the weekend of January 28, 2024.
Survey Period: January 28 -February 15, 2024
Responses are collected and submitted to the Diocese of Austin (2-3 weeks following survey end date)
Duration: 4-6 Months
If the survey results show support of a school, then a feasibility study would be conducted. Conducting a feasibility study could take 4-6 months.
Duration: Up to 8 Weeks
Results from the school interest survey and feasibility study are considered by Bishop Joe Vasquez. This review process could take up to 8 weeks.
The school would be Catholic and Classical, which means that our curriculum of math, science, literature, and history would be taught through the lens of our faith. The approach would be one that instills moral virtue, decorum, respect, and discipline for both teachers and students and is in line with our mission here at Saint William of Encounter with Jesus Christ.
The parents' active involvement in the child's education would be essential.
If a school were started at Saint William, it would follow the Classical model.
Classical education takes us back to the basics: how to read, how to think, how to speak. These three skills are often referred to as “the three ways,” the trivium of grammar, logic, and rhetoric. Classical education focuses on inspiring students to read more, think about what they read, and communicate effectively about it. It is called classical, as it looks back to Greco-Roman civilization and the Christian culture of the Middle Ages for inspiration, both in approach and in content matter, such as classical language. This approach does not focus primarily on practical outcomes as the goal, but the formation of mind.
Currently five Catholic Schools within the Diocese of Austin follow this model >>
Based on an initial assessment, our current space (Bldg. 4) could possibly accommodate Grades K-5. To start, we would offer a few grade levels (K thru 2nd or K thru 3rd) using the space we currently have and assess growth opportunities in the future.
At this time, we do not anticipate any changes to programming at St. William. We will continue to provide updates as more information becomes available.
The school would adhere to the state's Texas Catholic Conference of Bishops Education Department (TCCB ED) accreditation policy, a set of requirements that apply to all students enrolled in a Catholic school in the state of Texas.
The school interest survey is the first of several steps. The interest survey and feasibility study are requirements before the school is approved and planning can begin.
1. School interest survey
2. Feasibility Study
3. Review of results of the survey and feasibility study by Bishop Vasquez
It is too early to know the cost of tuition as a number of factors need to be considered. However, below is the average cost of tuition for the 2022-2023 academic year based on the three neighboring Catholic Schools:
You are invited to participate in the survey starting January 28, 2024.
The survey will be available the weekend of January 28, 2024 thru February 15, 2024.
Yes, the survey is anonymous. We do not ask for self-identifying information. Your privacy is important to us.
It is important that survey participation is representative of our diverse community. This is one question that helps us undertstand our community's needs. Please keep in mind that your responses will be compiled with other responses in a comprehensive report.