If you are interested in learning more about one or more of our ministries, please contact:
Tommy Sustaita, Volunteer Coordinator at 512-600-8190 or [email protected] to schedule a meeting.
In response to Jesus' command to love one another, our parish fosters many ministries related to outreach and social justice. Here are some of them:
Annie's Way
This Thanksgiving event provides meals to needy families and individuals who do not have plans with their families. In recent years, approximately 1,000 people have been served, including deliveries to the homebound. Annie's Way is a collaborative effort that brings many faith communities together in order to serve others the way Christ served all.
At the time of a loved one's death, we rely on our faith, family, and friends to help us through the grieving process. There are several types of bereavement groups that can help at the time of loss. Our assistance is to ensure a pastoral match for the needs of each person and family.
Christ Child Society
Nationwide, all Christ Child chapters have a common service project of providing layettes to mothers of newborns in need. In addition, each chapter responds to the unique needs within its own community. Capital Area members provide bereavement gowns, hygiene packets for disadvantaged elementary students and for homeless middle school and high school students, and caps & gloves to elementary school students in need. We are always looking for new members! Please visit our website at the following link for more information.
Members of this ministry bring Holy Communion to those who are homebound. To perform this ministry, men and women must be confirmed Catholics who have completed the Eucharistic Minister training and have been commissioned.
Hospital Visits
Men and women of this ministry dedicate themselves to the needs of persons who request prayer and/or visitation for themselves or family members in the hospital.
Just Because
Just Because is a Christmas project that provides gifts and Christmas dinners for needy families. This project depends entirely on the generosity of volunteers for donations of time, talent, gifts, and food.
Meals Ministry
Providing meals to our parish priests is the focus of this ministry. These meals are prepared for holidays and their birthdays.
Medical Mission
This group of medical professionals and other lay people provides medical and dental care as well as over-the-counter medicines to low-income communities in Mexico, and Central and South America.
Natural Family Planning
Natural Family Planning is fertility awareness, the knowledge of a couple's fertility. It is a natural way of following God's plan for achieving and/or avoiding pregnancy that is in accordance with Church teaching. Methods covered are the Sympto-Thermal Method, Billings Ovulation Method, and Creighton Model Ovulation Method. Classes are held on a regular basis throughout the diocese and online. For more information, please contact Deacon Steve Pent at (512) 600-8160 or [email protected]
Nursing Home
The Nursing Home Ministry offers personal visits, weekly rosaries, and Communion Service for the residents of area nursing homes.
Pro-Life Committee
The Pro-Life Committee promotes an enhanced respect for all human life, in accordance with the teachings of the Catholic Church.
Sacred Heart Community Clinic
The Sacred Heart Community Clinic provides outpatient health services to the medically underserved residents of the Round Rock area. Its mission is to continue the healing ministry of Jesus Christ for those who are uninsured or underinsured within Round Rock and the surrounding community. This organization promotes wellness and provides physical, emotional, and spiritual care with dignity. To learn more about the clinic, visit their website here or call (512)-716-3929.
For more information about these and other ministries, please contact Tommy Sustaita, Director of Ministry Life, at 512-600-8190 or [email protected] to schedule a meeting.