✔ Roof
✔ Mold Remediation
Hire Coordinator
Hire Staff / Training
Phase I - Scheduling for Liturgy (9:30 am, 11:30 am & 1:30 pm Mass Times) Ages 12 months to 3 years old
Phase II – Scheduling for Ministries (As Requested through Scheduling) Ages 12 months to 10 years old
Purchase equipment & required materials for safety
Director Attends Class to obtain State Childcare License
Apply for License (Can take up to 60 days)
Ensure all requirements and documents are complete
Final Building Inspection (Building, Fire, Health)
Pay Fees
Hire Staff (FBI Background Check, EIM, CPR & First Aid)
Student Registration
Staff Training
Comply with Texas Minimum Standards for Child-Care Centers - www.hhs.texas.gov
Purchase needed supplies